Workers’ Compensation
The Mountain Pipe Trades Association, the United Association (UA) of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing, Pipefitting and Sprinkler Fitting Industry, and its affiliated Local Unions believe it is vital for workers to be fairly compensated for injuries suffered due to unsafe working conditions.
All MSPTA-affiliated contractors carry workers’ compensation insurance, as workers deserve to keep earning a living if they become injured and unable to work.
Montana is the most dangerous state for construction workers, and Nebraska and Colorado are the fourth and fifth most dangerous, according to the Structural Building Components Association.

Workers’ Compensation in the Mountain States
All mountain states except South Dakota require employers to carry workers’ compensation insurance. Independent contractors are not covered under workers’ compensation insurance in most states. You should be aware that some employers misclassify employees as independent contractors in order to avoid purchasing workers’ compensation insurance.
States that require employers to carry workers’ compensation insurance if they have one or more employees:
- Arizona
- Idaho
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- Colorado
- Utah
- Oregon
- Montana
- Wyoming
- California
States where independent contractors are not covered by workers’ compensation requirements:
- Arizona
- Nebraska
- Colorado
- Utah
- Oregon
- Montana
- Wyoming
- South Dakota
- California
States where independent contractors may be covered by workers’ compensation requirements:
- Idaho
- Nevada
States that do not require employers to carry workers’ compensation insurance:
- South Dakota
In some states, you must be licensed to work as an independent contractor. For example, in Colorado, plumbers must be licensed by the state to perform contracting work.