Unions & Contractors

Local Unions

The Mountain States Pipe Trades Association is comprised of 16 Local Unions throughout the Mountain States. These unions represent the highly trained journeymen and apprentices of the pipe trades industry who build this region’s infrastructure.

We support each Local Union in dedicating resources to train apprentices and provide journeymen with continued education. In addition to training, we ensure our members are paid a livable wage and receive proper benefits.

UA Local 41

Butte, Montana

Colorado Springs, Colorado

Western Colorado

Wyoming / Western South Dakota

Western Idaho / Eastern Oregon

Northern Nevada

UA Local 459

Missoula, Montana


Southern Nevada

Eastern Idaho


We partner with contractors directing the leading projects in the pipe trades industry, including the Mechanical Contractors Association (MCA), to guarantee excellent opportunities for our members.

These contractors recognize the importance of registered apprenticeship programs and journeymen upgrade training in order to create safe and fair working conditions for our members and a premier pipe trades workforce.

Our partner contractors have proved their commitment to moving the industry forward and worked on the most vital construction and infrastructure projects in the region.

Arizona Mechanical Contractors Association

Mechanical Contractors Association Las Vegas

Utah Mechanical Contractors Association

Rocky Mountain Mechanical Contractors Association